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The main points to consider before installing solar panels

Solar panel graphic

There is no denying that solar panels are a great investment for businesses looking to reduce their carbon foot print and to save on electrical bills, especially with current rising energy prices. However, to make sure you and your business get the most out of your solar PV system there a few things you should consider before-hand….

Planning permission

To put it simply – you most likely won’t need planning permission for a commercial solar panel installation. This is because most solar systems in the UK will fall under ‘Permitted Development’ (rights to carry out building works/changes without needing a planning application). Generally, most non-domestic solar panel systems that are below 1 megawatt do not require planning.

However, there are instances where planning permission is required so it is always worth checking with your local authority before proceeding with an installation. These could include (but not limited too):

  • If your building is listed
  • If your roof mounted solar installation exceeds 1 MW
  • If your installation site falls within a conservation area

Location of your installation

Where you plan to have your solar panels is vital to their effectiveness in generating energy for your business. Ideally, solar panels should be located where they will receive ample sunlight all day. In many cases this would be the roof of a building, although floor mounted solar panels may also be the best option. Tall obstructions should also be considered, such as trees or tall nearby buildings, as these could cast shadows over the panel system reducing the amount of energy generated.

Our GlenFarrow engineers can advise on panel placement when conducting a site visit for your commercial solar panel system.

Surface/roof condition

Once you have decided where you would like your solar panels to be installed, the next thing to consider is the condition of the surface the panels will be attached to. If the roof is your chosen location, it will need to be assessed to make sure it can support the weight of the panels. If your roof is old or damaged, it may also require some repairs before the installation process.

Your business energy requirements

Your business energy requirement is a key factor in determining the size and type of commercial solar system that will be the best fit. It may also be useful to consider future energy requirements so your solar system can grow with your business.

Our GlenFarrow solar engineers carry out a full energy audit on your business to determine the right system size for your business.

To find out more commercial solar installations or if you would like some advice, get in touch here.