The requirement:
Crown Chicken Ltd had experienced problems in the past with their preliminary waste water treatment system at their large processing facility. Dead areas in the holding tanks had led to the emission of odours and
Glen Farrow UK Ltd was asked to re-design the system to eliminate the problem.
Our solution:
The pre-existing system used two flow-balancing tanks, interconnected at low level but without mixers or aerators in the second tank. This lack of movement resulted in the dead areas and odours. Our engineers designed and built an above ground, externally mounted aerator/mixing system. The externally mounted aerator/mixer is installed on the second balancing tank and draws its flow from the tank at low level.
Using this system our engineers were able to create motion within the tank to mix the contents and correctly incorporate atmospheric air from above top water level with the discharged volume. In addition, every stage
of the system is valved to offer full control of mixing and aeration. The different elements within the system work together to ensure that odours are suppressed and the balancing tank contents are mixed and aerated prior to the next stage of treatment.
What the client said:
“Since the new system has been up and running, we’ve had no problems at all. GlenFarrow did a great job of
cost-effectively re-designing the system and we’re delighted with the results.”
Carl Thacker, Crown Chicken Ltd