The GlenFarrow Biomass December Newsletter is now available to view. Click on the link GlenFarrow December newsletter WEB 14-12-2017 to download a copy.
In this wide ranging issue you can read all about the new GlenFarrow Wood Log Boiler, which will be available early the New Year. If you are interested in discussing the possibilities just give us a call to discuss your requirements.
Also in this Newsletter
Also in the issue is an examination of the RHI scheme and how it might change in the future. Of course we are looking forward to 2018 and we are proud that we expect to install our 1,000 Biomass boiler during the course of the year. We also update you on our servicing department.
You may not have been aware of the GlenFarrow Electrical division and some of the services that they offer from LED lighting to CCTV installation. Click on the newsletter to find out more.
All the team at GlenFarrow wish you a wonderful holiday season. We assure you that we are available for emergencies, call us on our regular number to be transferred to one of our team.
We are not sending out Christmas Cards this year instead we will be making a donation to Action Medical Research our chosen charity. To find out more about the great work Action Medical Research does visit their website Action.org
Find out more about GlenFarrow Biomass Boilers click here for our latest newsletter GlenFarrow December newsletter WEB 14-12-2017