A biomass boiler can bring long-term economic benefits due to the low cost of the fuel. It’s important to consider how the fuel costs compare. The savings when comparing fuel and energy costs with gas or electricity might surprise you. Plus, what many buyers aren’t aware of is that there are ways to subsidise your heating by buying a pre-owned boiler with an existing RHI tariff. Find out more in this guide.
Make the RHI scheme work for you
While the government-backed non-domestic RHI scheme has now closed to new applications, second-hand biomass boilers with RHI accreditation can still carry over the tariff. This allows you to generate income when utilising heat energy from the biomass boiler.
You can even take your existing RHI tariff and apply it to a new boiler upgrade. This requires a replacement plant application but could be well worth the extra paperwork.
The more heat you use from the boiler, the more money you could receive. This gives you an incentive and the flexibility to expand the areas of your property that you’re heating with biomass.
With a dedicated, in-house RHI consultant, GlenFarrow can offer assistance with the RHI application and advise on planning permission.
Are biomass boilers economical?
Our range of biomass boilers can be economical due to their efficiency and the availability of financial gains through the RHI scheme. You may be able to access government incentives through boilers that have an existing RHI tariff or fund your installation via finance to help make the upfront cost more manageable.
It’s important to consider factors such as the size of the property, the amount of energy needed, and the availability of the fuel source when evaluating cost-effectiveness.
Is biomass heating cheaper than gas?
When it comes to heating various premises and businesses, biomass fuel such as wood chips are significantly lower in cost than gas, oil and electric. That’s because the fuel source is much more accessible, and can even be sourced for free if you have the right resources.
How much does it cost to run a biomass boiler?
Economic considerations include the initial investment, operational costs, fuel costs and maintenance expenses.
Fuel costs
Operators can access free fuel for their heating, such as arborists and agriculturalists, in the form of waste wood and straw. It also means that chopped-down wood doesn’t go to waste, which is an environmental benefit.
Maintenance costs
Maintenance will need to be factored into your long-term costs.
It’s recommended that you have an annual service. However, with an RHI boiler, this is an essential requirement rather than a recommendation.
As this is only a one-off annual cost, this shouldn’t make too much of an impact. After all, even with another type of boiler, you would need to get it serviced. Prices for a biomass boiler service can be found on our dedicated servicing page. It will help prolong the lifespan, safety and efficiency of your boiler while also helping you to stay compliant with RHI.
Explore the range of biomass boilers and chippers online at GlenFarrow. We don’t just supply; we advise on all the administrative components and can complete the biomass boiler installation and servicing.